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Exhibit, The Mayton: Installation

  • January 18, 2022
  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • The Mayton, 301 South Academy St., Cary, NC. 27511

The Mayton is hosting a curated FALC exhibit which will run from late January until late March.  Exhibit runs for two months.  Show chair is Judy Brubach.  Participating artists will be met at the front entrance from noon to 2 for the installation.

For more information, please contact Judy at

Important Dates:

Submit byJanuary 4th

Notification of acceptance  by:  January 8th

Installation:   January 18th, Noon - 2

Exhibit closes:  March 28th, Noon - 2  Artists collect their work.

email: | mail: PO Box 3361, Cary NC 27519-3361 | office: 301 South Academy Street, Cary, NC 27511
FALC is a registered 501c3 non-profit corporation EIN 56-1835366

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